Warehouse Management, Logistic System, Distribution, Stock Accuracy, Day Of Inventory, supply chain management, Taking Stock, Standart Operation Procedure, Inventory, GWP , Handling Equipment, FEFO, FIFO, LEFO

Preparation of Conducting Stock Inventory

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Assuming that you've followed the guidelines of this inventory, it means that so far you have to do the following:
1. Creating a Master List Items in Microsoft Excel which include at least the item number and description.
2. Replacing the existing barcodes on inventory, make sure that the item number on the barcode from suppliers frontier with Item Master List
3. Replacing barcodes on all locations in the warehouse or storage space.
4. Choosing a software inventory and a portable barcode scanner.
5. Importing Master List Items to the desktop PC inventory software that you selected in step 4 above.If correct the above steps have been made, then the next:

* Complete the initial stock - Now you should scan all items and locations for the materials you have in inventory. This section is quite disturbing the normal operation of the business, but you can do so effectively if you follow these guidelines:
* Make sure you have enough staff and scanners. As a rule of thumb, one operator can handle 30 racks per hour if there's only one item at each shelf location. If your location has some unique item number in it, assume that they can scan 80 items per hour unique number. Note: This estimate should be conservative, but very important to ensure that you have to finish it quickly and correctly as you will want to minimize business disruption.
* Have a plan. Are inventories systematically, from one end of the warehouse to another. Try to complete all parts at one time. Mark the location of the "flag" like post-it or a red dot sticker to indicate the inventory of this location has been completed. If not maybe you can turn off the warehouse for the amount of time needed to complete the inventory, considering the necessary draw supplies for your business to run while inventory is being completed. Enter your ingredients in a certain place, and you should have a list of instructions about what was there. That way, your employees can draw from stocks that do their job while you complete the inventory. In the end, you will calculate the material left behind in that area, enter the item number and quantity of the original, then remove the amount of each used while supplies lasted.

* Reconciliation of inventory in the accounting of the amount of inventory that you can. At first, the differences between the accounting for inventory and actual inventory will be very big. Planning to do this validation before you really run your inventory process, will give you the opportunity to spot-check any striking differences between the two.