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warehouse management system

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The system is a collection of sub-system interaction, and management is the science of managing resources, while the warehouse is the temporary storage of goods. In summary warehouse management system contains the understanding: the management of inter-related activities in the activities of temporary storage of goods. What are the activities that the storage of goods? Proceeds from the supplier, handling of goods, the release of goods to the destination is an outline of the storage activity.

Currently the warehouse has a broad meaning and is more than just a storage area only. Warehouse itself does not add value to the goods directly, there is no change in taste, shape, packaging, etc.. Essentially no activity on the operation process of goods, that there is activity transport goods from one place to another, in general activity in the Warehouse.

Some activities in the warehouse are simple:
1. Administration.
2. Receipt of goods.
3. Storage of goods.
4. Packing goods to the destination.
5. Expenditure items.
These activities are interrelated, and the personnel should be headed by one person, such as the Head, Supervisor or something. Each head is required to master the controls on its part, the control should be done:
1. Operational control
2. Cost Control
3. Control Personnel

Operations, and Personnel Costs related to each other. I think deep mastery and stricter controls on all three sections that would give birth to a healthy condition for the warehouse, the third part of this needs to be developed. Control Personnel example, do not just satisfied with current conditions, if it can upgrade was the ability of men with various things creative. The head section also routinely communicate in a large forum, such as morning briefings or briefings target2 and errors that still exist. I think also there is no one perfect working system, there is always better.

Each section in the warehouse I will discuss in the following opportunity. Reviewing general warehouse management system is very attractive to people who engaged in it, why? At least there are a few reasons:
1. Within the scope of warehouse workers who faced the level of coarse and unruly, so it requires a personal approach and unique than the office.
2. Variables that are difficult to control, so that capacity needs to be enlarged every day in dealing with the problem.
3. Warehouse as a logistics hub but do not add value directly, so that job performance is not so appears. So perfect a warehouse, how it should be and not an achievement. For example, the costs of storage should be below 5%, it is very difficult, but when we get there there is no feat in itself, unusual. Differences with Sales that can be creative as possible to play the numbers.
4. Damaged goods and missing value is high if there are no control-control of the management in a professional manner.

Until now engaged in logistics, is an interesting thing. More to the behind the scenes but very vital for a company that has a warehouse. Indirectly caused chaotic election logistic distribution has been no in-depth mastery, Logistics Management therefore needs to lift and learned from a small and simple thing to a complex and complicated system. Sources of learning there are many overseas sites, but of course adoption in accordance with the characteristics of the company is the best thing to achieve productivity.

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warehouse management system said...

The warehouse management system also direct and optimize stock put away based on real-time information about the status of bin utilization.

siryoz0 said...

After reading your blog, I now find having a warehouse as a business is a good idea. Thanks for the interesting facts you posted. warehouse management system

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